Cristina Raluca Tupiță
Head in the clouds, feet firmly on the ground. One might argue that I'm a giraffe.

Junior Copywriter @ Headvertising
July 2013 - Present
@ Headvertising I graduated from intern copywriter to full on junior. At least that's what Cornel Goloan said. He's the Creative Director.
Work experience
This was mainly a PR agency. I worked in the Digital Department and on BTL pitches, but I had the occasional press release to write and/or translate from English to Romanian and the other way around.
Digital pup @ BORȚUN-OLTENU
June 2012 - March 2013
I'm fluent in:
Fancy English
Español con cojones
Français quand je suis beurrée
I can fix my own PC
I'm a rookie ILLUSTRATOR
I PHOTOSHOP cause sometimes reality is too dissappointing
I can find the needle in the haystack
I only cry once a year
I like OFFICE time
Charcoal magic
I could FLASH people, but I'm shy
Junior producer @ Radio Guerrilla
February 2012 - June 2012
Had some fun with the boys at the morning show a.k.a Guerrilla de Dimineață.
I had to boss around some hostesses at events and activations and I had to make sure the client doesn't find out that things didn't go according to plan, as they never do.
Project manager & Designer @ CODmodels
June 2011 - December 2012
University of Bucharest, Bucharest
2007 - 2010
Skills to be improved:
Adobe Acrobat XI Pro
Graphite Pencil
Wacom Bamboo Tablet
Adobe InDesign
Web Design
Am ținut morțiș să învăț și care-i schema cu layout-urile. Ca să nu-mi petrec timpul întrebându-mă "Dar dacă... ?", ci "Cum să-i facem pe oameni să... ?". Și Vali Suciu mi-a deschis ușa de la Jazz.
Junior Art Director @ Jazz
Aprilie 2014 - prezent
Facultatea de Jurnalism și Științele Comunicării (The Faculty of Journalism and Communication Studies)
Department: P.R. & Advertising
Music and Visual Arts, Sighetu Marmației
2004 - 2007
Department: Visual Arts
Yep, I studied more than one: ceramics, drawing, painting, sculpture, fashion design.
Special brain workout
Scoala ADC*RO (2013)
- Awarded Best of Print and Best of Radio -
Scoala Internationala de Cosmetica Christine Valmy, Specializarea Make-up si Cosmetica (2011-2012)
The Alternative School for Creative Thinking (2010-2011)